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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
October 22, 2013
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at the Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room 1.

Members Present: Robert Rabinowitz, Donna Mangiafico, Ted Kreinik, Donna Jennifer Rogers, Robert Kaiser, Laura Lerman, Andrea Spencer

Members Absent: Donna Randle, Jennifer Johnston Cebry
Auxiliary Members: Terry Sagedy, Linda Parsloe, Lindsay Kelkres, Patrick Kearney
Guests: Michael Baroody and Duncan Webb (1214 Foundation)

Jennifer Rogers called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

  • Minutes: Minutes of September 24, 2013, NCAC meeting, approved unanimously.
  • Minutes: Minutes of Special Meeting October 21, 2013 meeting, approved unanimously
  • Officers Report:
  • Jen Johnston Cebry (Chair): N/A
  • Jen Rogers (Vice Chair): None
  • Robert Rabinowitz (Secretary):
  • Our by-laws state everyone needs to server on a sub-committee
  • Treasurer’s Report (Donna Mangiafico):
  • Arts Festival Accounting report – Still some bills outstanding, still waiting on some sponsor checks – we are in the black
  • Broadway Sings For Newtown accounting, money to go to HealingNewtown
  • Newtown Cultural Arts Center
  • 1214 Foundation – Michael Baroody & Duncan Webb
  • Goal: Build a performing arts center in Newtown – living, breathing dynamic structure that will bring life to the community
  • They are 501c3
  • Feasibility Study:
  • Who is the audience?
  • What is the nature and level of demand on the part of users (artists and arts organization)?
  • What facilities already server the market and what are the gaps we are trying to fill?
  • Where is Newtown going as a community and how do new cultural facilities help you to get there? Is it a good community investment?
  • How and why is a new cultural facility an appropriate response to the tragedy of 12/14?
  • Send contact info re: artist organizations to Duncan Webb:
  • Laura L will provide info  
  • Robert R will send out Grant information
  • Special Meeting scheduled for Tuesday October 29th 7:30pm meeting room 1, Newtown Municipal Center with 1214 Foundation to discuss Cultural Arts Center and applying for grants
  • Arts Festival (Terry Sagedy, Chairperson of the Arts Festival Committee)
  • Thank you letters in progress
  • Broadway Sings video legalities being worked on
  • 2104 festival dates being worked on
  • Arts Competition info is online, press releases have been sent out
  • HealingNewtown
  • There will be no special anniversary events under the umbrella of the town or HealingNewtown – 12/14 is a day of private reflection
  • Director has been approved: Valerie Culberson
  • Robert R will look into dates for Holiday Party at Alexandria Room in Edmund Town Hall
  • Press/Marketing
  • Continuing to do press for HealingNewtown
  • We are in every daily in the state, every weekly, Bee, Patch, Hamlethub
  • Awards – Rob K made wooden awards that can be personalized - $7-$10 each – need to think of
  • Newsletter & Website
  • Lindsay & Jen are working on next newsletter
  • Flagpole Radio Café link is on our home page
  • We need to add links at top of home page for Arts Fest and HealingNewtown
  • Public Participation:
  • None
  • Other Business
  • Jen J – 75th Anniversary Film Series
  • By-laws
  • Add section about Executive Session
  • Specific language under committees
  • Ted K – motion to approve changes to by-laws, Robert R second, approved unanimously.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, November 26, 2013, Newtown Municipal Center, Meeting Room 1 at 7:30 PM.